Thanks for an awesome decade

Luna Lee
3 min readDec 22, 2020

My dear EF family,

In 2010, I was looking for a job in the nonprofit world when I stumbled upon (thanks to my friend from the YWCA, Antoinette Klatzky) a human rights role at EILEEN FISHER (EF). During my job interview with the Social Consciousness team, Shona Quinn asked me where I see myself in 5 years. I told her that I didn’t know. She asked again, and I gave her the same answer. I thought I failed that interview. Amy Hall later told me that I was hired as a culture fit — she believed that if she can learn how to do the work, I can too. I have been a women’s movement volunteer for many years. It also didn’t hurt that I can speak multiple languages.

I feel really honored to have been a part of EF for the past 10 years. Thank you for being the company that you are. EF is a pioneer in the sustainability movement because of its courage to do things differently. Thanks for being willing to consider supply chain workers’ well-being in our everyday decisions. I can assure you that our suppliers and workers can feel it when we try to do the right things. I’ve learned so much from each of you, and I am grateful for your partnership over the years. I look forward to admiring the amazing work of EF as an outsider.

It wasn’t an easy decision to leave, but I am excited about my next adventure. Some of you are aware that I recently completed a degree in international agriculture and rural development. I’ll continue to advocate for what’s right on behalf of supply chain workers — but this time, for smallholder farmers, fishermen, and plantation workers.

I hope that we can stay in touch. Have a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones, and please stay safe — wash your hands, wear a mask, socially distance from others, and get that vaccine when it’s your turn!

Wishing you all my best,


[This is a slightly edited version of the goodbye message I sent out to my EF family.]



Luna Lee

Human rights. Agriculture. Rural development. Corporate social responsibility. Aspiring environmental sociologist.